Keep up with regular scanning
Think about a brick and mortar business. It could be any business - a retail store, a professional office, a warehouse, a car dealership, etc. Every brick and mortar store will have doors, and some are open to the public, but most are locked. Many businesses have security guards that go around regularly and check the doors to make sure they are locked.
Your internet connection is very similar. For every IP address, there are over 65,000 “ports” that act like doors. Some of them must be open to let people in (such as for your website). Most of them should be locked, but you probably don’t have a security guard going around to check each and every door. That is where Prime-Tek comes in.
We check every TCP port to see if it is opened or closed. If it is supposed to be open (such as your web server) we check for vulnerabilities such as old or unpatched server software or misconfigurations that could lead to problems. If there is a port that should be closed but is open, we work with you to determine where the problem lies and what can be done to fix it.
We will scan any IP addresses that you own. It could include the connection your office uses, your web server, other servers that are accessible from the internet. You might have servers that you only want accessible to business partners or via VPNs, but a slight misconfiguration might make them visible to the entire internet. We can scan them to confirm what is open and what is not.
Our standard scanning is performed weekly. Why would we scan weekly? The answer is that things can change quickly. A new device might be brought in to your office, and a mis-configured firewall might allow that device to open a port to the internet. This could become a major security threat. Because devices and firewall settings can change quickly and frequently, we need to scan all the time. What was safe last week might be vulnerable this week.
We even take our scanning a step further. We not only scan from the US, but we have scanners located around the world. Why is this important? Some business and service providers treat traffic differently that comes from different sources. You might want your website only visible to people in the US and not allow potential bad guys based in other countries to see it. Your firewall might have settings to control traffic from other countries, but without testing from other countries you won’t know whether your settings are working correctly or not.
Don’t simply trust your firewall or router settings, test them frequently.
Do you know what devices are on your network? Most companies don’t.
We offer internal scanning to help you know what is on your network and what vulnerabilities exist. You might have old and un-patched systems still running on your network, or a new device might be installed that is mis-configured and has vulnerabilities right out of the box.
With the reports available from internal scans, you can decide which devices need to be patched, which devices are too old and need to be replaced, or which devices you don’t even know about and need to be removed.
With the reports available from internal scans, you can decide which devices need to be patched, which devices are too old and need to be replaced, or which devices you don’t even know about and need to be removed.
Wifi is one of the greatest tech inventions ever. It has allowed us to be much more mobile, and not always chained to a desk. The vast majority of businesses these days are using wifi, whether it is a car repair shop, doctors office, or advertising agency.
While wifi is great, it also blurs the lines on your network. What used to be available only inside your office could now be available from your parking lot, the business next door, or with stronger antennas it might be available down the street.
We offer various forms of wifi scanning to include:
We have been in the computer security business for over 20 years, serving industries including financial, government, retail, medical, marketing and more.
Our security analysts have earned many certifications including:
We not only have these certifications, but we are constantly keeping up on what is new.
Most small businesses will have a “Tech Person” or company that they hire to set up and maintain their computers, printers, networks, firewalls, etc. These people are usually great at what they do, but most of them don’t have security specific training. This training can be expensive and time consuming, and most small businesses aren’t able to afford it. Even medium size businesses learn that properly trained computer security employees don’t stick around very long because larger companies can afford to pay them more.
In addtion, Prime-Tek has built up an infrastructure with scanners located around the world. We can test for vulnerabilities in multiple scenarios from multiple countries.
According to a recent study, the average computer on the internet is attacked 2,244 times every day. That is once every 39 seconds.
Prime-Tek has set up "HoneyPots" that allow us to watch attacks in real time every day. We are constantly watching to see what they bad guys are doing, and using this information to help keep our clients safe.